Essence of the Kenopanishad - 8. Swami Sivananda


Thursday, May 04, 2020.
8.Moral of The Yaksha-Upakhyana.

112. There is the real war inside between the good tendencies and the evil tendencies, between Sattva and Rajas and Tamas, between the lower impure mind and the higher pure mind.

113. The senses, the mind and the Prana begin to fight: We hold together and support this body. Prana gains the victory.

114. Prana, too, is inert. The source for this Prana, also, is Brahman. The senses, the mind and the Prana derive their light and power from Brahman only.

115. Upanishad means knowledge of Brahman or secret doctrine. Disciples sit devotedly round the preceptor for instructions: Upa-nearby, ni-devotedly and Sad-sit. Upanishad means, also the text that treats of Brahman.

116. Austerity, self-control and Sacrifice are aids to the acquisition of the knowledge of Brahman.

117. Knowledge dawns in men by the destruction of evil actions.

118. Knowledge of Brahman arises in those persons who have purified their minds by austerity, self-restraint and works, either in this birth or in several previous births.

119. Those who have not removed the impurities of the mind either disbelieve or misbelieve Brahman when it is explained, as in the case of Virochana.

120. These secrets explained become illumined to that great soul whose devotion to the Lord is great and whose devotion to his preceptor is as great as that to the Lord.

121. Knowledge of Brahman has a firm basis only in those persons who possess self-restraint and who do Tapas.

122. Truth is the abode of Brahma-Vidya or spiritual knowledge. Austerity, self-restraint, are its support. The Vedas are its limbs.

123. Truth is freedom from deceit, from fraud of speech, mind or deed.

124. Knowledge of Brahman will arise only in a person who is free from conceit and fraud in speech, mind and deed, and who is good-natured.

125. Knowledge of Brahman does not arise in a person who is deceptive and utters falsehood. Therefore it is said that truth is the abode or resting place of knowledge.

126. Truth excels others as an aid to knowledge.




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