Kenopanishad : Ch -1. Mantram. 1.3a - Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda.



Saturday, March 12, 2022.. 21:00.

Chapter -1.

Mantrams -  8. (Numbers)

The Nature of Brahmam :


MANTRAM -  1.3a : Beyond the Senses and Mind

1. na tatra chakshuh gacchhati, 2.  na vaag gacchhati na manah;

3. na vidyah  na vijaaneemah, 4.  yathaa etad anushishyaat.



1 na tatra chakshuh gachati,   = The eye does not go there;

2 na vag gacchhati na manah;   = Nor speech; nor the mind;

3 na vidyah  na vijanemah,     =  We have no overall knowledge (of That),  nor know It in all its details;

4 yatha etad anushishyat.       =  How can we give instructions about it?



Brahman Cannot Be Known Through the Senses :

1-2 These Padas distinguish Brahman from the realm of the senses or mind. It tells us that the Self (Brahman) is not an object which can be reached by our sense organs. There can be no Pratyaksha Pramana (sensory means) of knowing It. This is the problem in trying to explain it with words. 

The student may feel at this point, “Then what is the point in enquiring about a Brahman who does not exist and cannot be known?” This is ruled out by the Teacher’s tone of the certainty that Brahman exists. Just because the senses cannot pick it up does not mean that it is not there. 

The Teacher Has No Words to Explain Brahman :

3-4 The Teacher is telling the student honestly, “Look, you have to be patient in getting the answer. This is not something that is easily taught like any other subject such as chemistry or mathematics. I cannot explain it to you in terms of atoms and molecules. [Here Guruji made a joke of this and said there is no such thing as ‘Atman Sulphate’ to make you understand it chemically!] It is not going to be easy to put across to you an understandable explanation. You also need to realise my difficulty.”

So, does the student decide to go to another teacher? Guruji again quipped that he may do so, just as people go to another doctor for a second opinion. Guruji said there was a man who asked his doctor if he could get a second opinion. The doctor said, “Yes, all right, come back at 4.00 pm.”

Sri Shankaracharyaji emphatically states that “Brahman is to be known only through such a traditional instruction from the preceptors and not through argumentation, study, intelligence, great learning, austerity and sacrifices, etc.


NEXT - MANTRAM 1. 3b. : "Beyond the Known and Unknown."



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