The woman remaining same:- This, some of the sceptical modern youngsters might say, is not true. This will be explained by an illustration to make the point more clearly. The child sees its mother in a woman. Its father sees in the same woman, his wife, its uncle sees in her ,his sister, and its grandmother sees in that very same woman, a daughter. The child looks up to the mother in reverence and love. The husband looks her with lust and craving, the brother looks at her with affection and regard, and her old mother looks at her with motherly love and affection. The woman remaining the same, four different individuals have thus seen in her four different entities: mother, wife, sister and daughter. If this is possible and is daily done in life, is it madness for the devotee to See the Lord-of-his-heart in the Idol ? If this be madness in the devotee, we will be compelled to accept all living ones in the modern world as stark mad, and this wo...