
N  tatra  caksur  gacchati  na  vag  gacchati  no  manah

na  vidmo  na  vijanimo  yathaitad-anusisyat

Anyadeva  tad  viditad  atho  aviditadadhi

Iti  susruma  purvesam   ye  nastad  vyacacaksire.

The eye does not go there, nor speech, nor mind. We do not know how to instruct one about it

It is distinct from the known and above the unknown. We have heard it, so stated the preceptors who taught us that.

Eye cannot reach there.It is the very Consciousness that makes it possible for the eyes to see, it is Light or the Truth with which the eyes sees the things; and it is the seer behind the eye, just as the observer in the observatory  sitting peering into the eye-piece of the telescope. The telescope by itself cannot see, but it is the man behind the telescope who sees. Similarly, it is the Atma that sees or rather the seer in us, the Real Eye that sees.

To the question, 'what is that which makes the mind go out? the answer given by the Guru is 'the Mind of the Mind' If you, for example, ask a certain youth, who he is, he would naturally answer that he is the son of so-and-so. But if the youth has some standing, some so-called position in life, he would automatically say that he is the sub-collector  of some designation. Likewise, in our world of conscious living, we know the 'Eye of the Eye' sees, the 'Ear of the Ear' hears, etc, etc.

It  has been indicated beyond doubt that the external organs, the Indriyas and the Intellect are not capable of functioning by themselves, but are motivated by Power from within.

The Road to Perfection is Long and arduous and the jnana marga, the Path of Knowledge of the Upanisads, is not for the many, but only for the chosen few. There is a greater purpose in life than mere eating, living and having 'good time', should give the average.

All men are endowed with the Divine Light even though they may not be aware of it. Truth need not enter into the Soul, for it is there already, only it is lying unperceived. 

There is a clear indication that the seeker, after departing from the world, attains immortality.   



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