Kenopanishad : Ch -1. Mantram. 1.3b - Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda.
============================================================= ============================================================== Thursday, March 31, 2022.. 20:00. Chapter -1. Mantrams - 8. (Numbers) The Nature of Brahmam : ================================================================ MANTRAM 1. 3b. : "Beyond the Known and Unknown." 5 anyad eva tad viditad 6 atho aviditad adhi; 7 iti shushruma purvesham, 8 ye nastad vyacha-chakshire. Translation : 5 anyad eva tad viditat = That is surely distinct from the known; 6 atho aviditad adhi; = And again, from the unknown, It is above. 7 iti shushruma purveshaam, = Thus have we heard from the Preceptors of 8 ye nastad vyacha-chakshire. = the past who taught That to us. Commentary : Brahman is Neither Known Nor Unknown : ============================================ 5 The Teacher’s “beyond the ...