Kenopanishad : Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda.



Sunday, January 02, 2022.. 7:00.PM.

B. Peace Invocation ( Santhi Mantram ) : from the Sama Veda :


Santhi Mantram :

1 om. aapyaayantu mama angaani,  vaak praanah chakshuh shrotram,  athah balam indriyaani cha sarvaani.

2 sarvam brahma upanishadam,  maa aham brahma niraakuryaan  maa maa brahma niraakarod.

3 aniraakaranam astu,  aniraakaranam me astu;  tad aatmani nirate;

4 ya upanishatsu dharmaah,  te mayi santu, te mayi santu.

OM Shaantih shaantih shaantih!


Mantram Translation :

i) Vigorous may my limbs grow; so, too, my  speech, Prana (vital air), eye, ear,  and the strength of all my senses!

ii) All is Brahman of the Upanishads.  May I never deny Brahman;  may Brahman never spurn me.

iii) May there be no denial of Brahman;  may there be no spurning by Brahman;  may I take delight in that Atman;

iv) The virtues recited in the Upanishads –  may they repose in me; may they repose in me! 

 Om Peace, Peace, Peace! 


Commentary :

The Peace Invocation gives an auspicious start to the study. It invokes ‘Peace’ without which the mind is not in a fit state to be enlightened. A mind in turmoil cannot have grasping power to understand the subtle truths. Every Upanishad is preceded by a Peace Invocation.

A healthy body is a pre-requisite for the ideal life that is promoted by the Upanishads. Hence, the seers always invoked strength in the body, Pranas and the mind at the start of their study. This shows that the philosophy taught did not clash with holding a healthy attitude of respect towards the body and its functions. Vedanta is not an ‘otherworldly’ pursuit.

In the words Te Mayi Santu, the student says, “Please let this be with me”, at least now while I am studying. The student realizes that his perfections are present and, therefore, prays to be free from their grip on him at least for these few hours. 

This method is recognized as very effective in removing one’s defects.



Chapter -1.
Mantrams - 8.
The Nature of Brahmam :


The Disciple Questions The Guru :


To be continued .....



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