Kenopanishad : Ch 1. Mantram. 1 - Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda.
=========================================================== ============================================================== Sunday, January 23, 2022.. 18:00. Chapter -1. Mantrams - 8. (Numbers) The Nature of Brahmam : ============================================================== The Disciple Questions The Guru : The Disciple Asks: Mantram-1. "1 kena ishitam patati preshitam manah, 2 kena praanah prathamah praiti yuktah; 3 kena ishitaam vaacham imaam vadanti, 4 chakshuh shrotram kah u devah." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 kena ishitam patati preshitam manah, = By whom willed and directed does the mind alight upon its objects? 2 kena praanah prathamah praiti yuktah; = Commanded by whom does the main vital air proceed to function? 3 kena ishitaam vaacham imaam vadanti, = By...