
Showing posts from January, 2022

Kenopanishad : Ch 1. Mantram. 1 - Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda.

 =========================================================== ============================================================== Sunday, January 23, 2022.. 18:00. Chapter -1. Mantrams -  8. (Numbers) The Nature of Brahmam : ============================================================== The Disciple Questions The Guru : The Disciple Asks: Mantram-1. "1 kena ishitam patati  preshitam manah, 2 kena praanah prathamah  praiti yuktah; 3 kena ishitaam  vaacham imaam vadanti, 4 chakshuh shrotram  kah u devah."  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 kena ishitam patati  preshitam manah,      =  By whom willed and directed  does the mind alight upon its objects? 2 kena praanah prathamah  praiti yuktah;    =  Commanded by whom does the main vital air proceed to function? 3 kena ishitaam  vaacham imaam vadanti,   =  By whose will and direction  do men utter speech? 4 chakshuh shrotram  kah u devah yunakti. = Th

Kenopanishad : The Nature of Brahmam : 1. Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda.

 ================================================= =================================================== Tuesday, January 11, 2022.. 9:00.PM. Chapter -1. Mantrams - 8. The Nature of Brahmam : ================================================== The Disciple Questions The Guru : Mantram 1.1: The Disciple’s Questions =========================== The Disciple Asks: Mantram-1. "1 kena ishitam patati  preshitam manah, 2 kena praanah athamah  praiti yuktah;   3 kena ishitaam  vaacham imaam vadanti, 4 chakshuh shrotram  kah  udevah yunakti." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 kena ishitam patati  preshitam manah,      =  By whom willed and directed  does the mind alight upon its objects? 2 kena praanah athamah  praiti yuktah;        = Commanded by whom does the main vital air proceed to function? 3 kena ishitaam  vaacham imaam vadanti,    = By whose will and direction  do men utter speech? 4 chakshuh shrotram  kah u devah yu

Kenopanishad : Reflections by Swami Gurubhaktananda.

 ================================================================= ================================================================= Sunday, January 02, 2022.. 7:00.PM. B. Peace Invocation ( Santhi Mantram ) : from the Sama Veda : ================================================================ Santhi Mantram : 1 om. aapyaayantu mama angaani,  vaak praanah chakshuh shrotram,  athah balam indriyaani cha sarvaani. 2 sarvam brahma upanishadam,  maa aham brahma niraakuryaan  maa maa brahma niraakarod. 3 aniraakaranam astu,  aniraakaranam me astu;  tad aatmani nirate; 4 ya upanishatsu dharmaah,  te mayi santu, te mayi santu. OM Shaantih shaantih shaantih! ================================================================== Mantram Translation : i) Vigorous may my limbs grow; so, too, my  speech, Prana (vital air), eye, ear,  and the strength of all my senses! ii) All is Brahman of the Upanishads.  May I never deny Brahman;  may Brahman never spurn me. iii) May there be no denial of Brahman;