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===================================================================== ==================================================================== Thursday, December 23, 2021. From: A. Krishna Yajur Veda & B. Sama Veda INVOCATION PRAYERS : A. GENERAL INVOCATION : from Krishna Yajur Veda ==================================================================== Mantram : OM saha navavatu | saha nau bhunaktu | saha virya karavavahai | tejasvi navadhitamastu | ma vidvivahai || OM Sanyih! Santih!! Santih!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : 1 om.  saha nau avatu;           = May He protect us both together. 2 saha nau bhunaktu;             = May He protect us both. 3 saha veeryam karavaavahai; = May we attain vigour together. 4 tejaswi nau adheetam astu;   = Let what we study be invigorating. 5 maa vidvishaavahai.             = May we not cavil at each other. 6 om shantih, shantih, shantih! =   Om Pe

KENA UPANISHAD “Know That Alone as Brahman” : Reflections by SWAMI GURUBHAKTANANDA

 =============================================================================== ================================================================================= KENA  UPANISHAD : “Know  That  Alone as Brahman” Chapters : 4.  Mantras : 34   Know That Alone  as  Brahman  =============================================================================== INTRODUCTION  TO  KENA  UPANISHAD KENA  UPANISHAD  IS  the  9th  Chapter  of  the  Talavakara  Branch  in  the  Sama  Veda. The  first  eight  chapters  are  concerned  with  the  Karma  and  Upasana  which  fall  under  Apara Vidya.  They  belong  to  the  Mantra  Samhitas and  the  Brahmanas of  the  Vedas.  Then  follows the  Brahma  Jnana  or  Para  Vidya  portion  which  forms  the  subject  of  this  Upanishad.  Due  to its  subject matter,  the  Kena  Upanishad  is  classified  as  an  Aranyaka .  Guruji  began  the  discussion  with  an  introduction  on  the  goals  that  people  generally set  for  themselves.  Among  them,  food,

KENOPANISHAD : MEDITATION ON BRAHMAN : : 3. Post-20. Swami Krishnananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, March 08, 2021. 07 : 46. PM. MEDITATION ON BRAHMAN : 3. Post-20. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The story teaches us that everything is despicable except the knowledge of Brahman. The glory of this world is less than a straw. The greatest of the gods are nothing before the Brahman. Even the king of the gods is nothing before it. The story also shows that it is very difficult to realise Brahman, as even the best of the gods failed in their attempts to comprehend it. It further shows that Agni, Vayu and Indra became great through the knowledge of Brahman alone. Brahmajnana is supreme greatness and glory. It is vain to think that any individual has the power to act or to enjoy. It is Brahman that is, and nothing else.  MEDITATION ON BRAHMAN : Brahman is the embodiment of all qualities, powers and existence. It is possible for anyone to obtain anythin


  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, February 25, 2021. 10 : 09. AM. THE PHILOSOPHY OF YAKSHOPAKHYANA : 2. Post-19. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another instruction that this story gives us is that Brahman does exist. If it does not exist, then, something else must exist. What is that something else? It may be held that the universe or the world exists. Because the universe is a collection of individuals, it means that the individual is real. But this individual is a stress of the ego. If the ego is real, it must succeed in all its attempts. The very fact that it attempts at something constantly, shows that it is not real.  Moreover, the ego is subdued every moment either through external or internal agencies. One day or the other, all the egos shall be smashed. The grief of this world is the experien


  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, February 15, 2021. 09 : 10. AM. THE PHILOSOPHY OF YAKSHOPAKHYANA : 1. Post-18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtue and vice act as opponents both in the individual body and in the objective universe. The battle between these two is a continuous struggle for the sake of victory of truth over untruth. Virtue is the movement of the ego towards Truth, whether it is through thought, speech or action. Vice, on the other hand, is the process of the affirmation of the ego through self preservation and through self-proclamation. The nearer the ego is to Truth, the greater is the light received by it from Truth. Virtue, therefore, is guided by Divinity. The power of virtue is in fact the power of the Atman within. The power, the greatness and the glory of an individual do no

KENOPANISHAD : Section-2, Mantram-4-Continued & Mntram-5. Post : 17 - Swami Krishnananda.

------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, February 03, 2021. 09 : 47. AM. SECTION TWO Mantras - 4. & 5. Post-17. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram-4 Continued ... Self-realisation is synonymous with the attainment of unlimited spiritual strength. It is the strength born of independence, freedom in the highest sense. Power that is a result of the idea of possession is imaginary. No individual can have real power because of its separation from external objects. Worldly power is only an idea and not a reality. The power vanishes when one is robbed of the possessions. Therefore, there is no permanent power in this world. Even temporarily one’s powers in this world are only imaginary, because they depend on the trust which others have in oneself. Phenomenal power cannot overcome death, because even all the phenomena have to die. Death presides over everything that is created. Therefore, death can be overcom

KENOPANISHAD : Section-2, Mantram-4-Continued .. Post : 16 - Swami Krishnananda.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, January 21, 2021. 03:02. PM. SECTION TWO Mantras - 4. Post-16. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The theory that the knowledge of the Self is the result of the contact of the Self with the mind is incorrect. This theory reduces the Self to unconsciousness. Several of the declarations of the srutis (Upanishads) would be contradicted by this theory. Because the Self is all-pervading, there would be an eternal contact of the Self with the mind, as wherever the mind is, the Self also is. What, then, is the meaning of remembrance and forgetfulness? There would be no forgetfulness at all because of the perpetual contact of the Self with the mind. Moreover, it is wrong to hold that the Self can be in contact with anything, because the Upanishads deny such a possibility. Only a substance with attributes can be in contact with another substance with attributes. Th

KENOPANISHAD : Section-2, Mantram-4-Continued .. Post : 15 - Swami Krishnananda.

  Wednesday, January 13, 2021. 09:58. AM. SECTION TWO Mantras - 4. Post-15. ---------------------- Consciousness should be realised as the fundamental basis of all mental experiences. It should be realised in every state of our life in waking, dreaming and deep sleep. All thoughts are heterogeneous in their nature. They are not connected with one another. But they are experienced as belonging to one person because of the unity of the Self within. Our body, senses and mind are all made up of scattered parts that appear to be a unified whole because of the underlying indivisible essence. If only the Self were not there, our personality would be thrown away into the condition of atoms, disconnected and varied. There is no difference at all between the building bricks of one body and of another body. All are made up of the same earth, water, fire, air and space. But bodies appear to be different, they act in different ways, because the actor is not the body. Differences are in the desires