Essence of the Kenopanishad - 6. Swami Sivananda


Monday, May, 11, 2020.
6. Truth Transcendental

76. There is no objective and subjective consciousness for the sage; subject and object are the same for him. He sees only Brahman everywhere.

77. The Self or Soul of everyone is Brahman.

78. Brahman cannot be made the object of the knowledge of another, because besides it none that knows exists.

79. Brahman is different from what is known. It is also beyond what is not known.

80. He who is endowed with the four means, and who is pure and intelligent, can understand the teachings of the Upanishads.

81. Brahman is always the silent witnessing consciousness. He is the subject, knower and seer.

82. The seer can never be seen.

83. The knower can never be known by the intellect.

84. Anything perceived by the senses and conceived by the mind cannot be Brahman.

85. Only an object of the world can be perceived by the senses and thought by the mind.

86. Brahman is unknown by the mind, intellect and senses.

87. Brahman is certainly knowable through direct intuitive perception in Samadhi, as the Self or Atman, by the pure mind which is Brahman itself.

88. Till you attain the highest Nirvikalpa state, wherein you will feel All indeed is Brahman, there is nothing but the self, you will have to practise again and again enquiry, reflection and meditation. You must feel its presence in all names and forms.

89. You cannot know Brahman just as you know an object. Brahman is known or realised not as an object but as pure self-consciousness through intuitive or direct inner experience or illumination. Subject and object are one in spiritual experience.

90. Brahman is the witness of the waking dreaming and deep sleep states.

91. Brahman is intelligence in its essence. It is a homogeneous mass of pure consciousness.

92. Brahman is birthless, deathless, decayless, eternal, pure unconditional, one without a second. It is the Self or Atman of all beings.

93. In Nirvikalpa Samadhi, when all mental modifications merge in Brahman, there is no witness.

94. Brahman is eternal, pure self-luminous, undecaying, existence-absolute, knowledge-absolute and bliss-absolute.

95. The knower of Brahman possesses tremendous spiritual strength.

96. This Atman cannot be attained by one destitute of strength.

97. Real strength comes only through knowledge of the Self.

98. The knower of Brahman becomes absolutely fearless.

99. This Atman is invulnerable and invincible.

100. Immortality is the very nature of Brahman, just as heat is the very nature of fire.

101. Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a sublime soul-stirring experience that cannot be either imagined or described in words. You will have to experience it yourself in Samadhi when the mind, intellect and senses cease functioning.
Next : 7. Liberation at Hand
To be continued ...



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