Essence of the Kenopanishad - 7. Swami Sivananda

========================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, May 25, 2020. 7. Liberation at Hand : ----------------------------------------------------------------- 102. Brahma-Jnana destroys ignorance just as light destroys darkness and reveals one's inherent immortal nature. 103. Ignorance is the root cause of all human suffering. 104. If one does not know Brahman, he is caught in the round of births and deaths. 105. Really thirsty aspirants abandon the erroneous notion of I and Mine and turn away with disgust from the world, as everything here is perishable, illusory and transitory. 106. They practise meditation on the Atman and behold the one essence of the Atman in all objects. They realise the oneness of the Self or the unity of the Atman in all, and become immortal. They become Brahman. 107. He who knows that highest Brahman becomes Brahman itself. 108. He w...