
Showing posts from April, 2020

Essence of the Kenopanishad - 5. Swami Sivananda

================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28/04/2020. 5. The Self and The Mind -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. Brahman is the silent witness of the activities of the mind and all the organs. 53. That which cannot be comprehended by the mind but what causes the mind to think and to apprehend an object, know that alone as Brahman. 54. The mind is connected with all the organs. It is the commander-in-chief of all active forces. 55. Desire, volition, deliberation, faith, negligence, courage, timidity, shame, intelligence, fear all these are ultimately the mind. 56. Mind is the 'Drik' or the seer, the objects are the 'Drishya' or the seen. The Atman is the Seer, the mind is the seen. 57. The senses carry the impressions of objects to the mind. The mind presents them to the Atman. The Atman returns them to the mind. Then

Essence of the Kenopanishad - 4. Swami Sivananda

================================== --------------------------------------------------------- 15/04/2020. Post-4. ----------------------------------------------------- 41. Speech cannot reveal or illumine Brahman. Brahman is beyond the range of speech. Speech expresses itself through the power or light of Brahman. 42. Speech is finite. How can the finite speech reveal the infinite Brahman? 43. Brahman alone illumines speech and its organ, the Vak-Indriya. Brahman is the speech of speech, the tongue of tongue. 44. Brahman is within speech and directs speech. 45. This Atman is Brahman or Bhuma (infinite or the unconditional). 46. Brahman is unsurpassable, big, great, the highest of all, all-pervading. So it is called Brahman. 47. Brahman is eternal, unchangeable, self-luminous, formless, colourless, attributeless, timeless, spaceless, indivisible, unborn, undecaying immortal. 48. Vedanta is not hostile to devotion. It only deprecates