Essence of the Kenopanishad - 1. Swami Sivananda



Hari Om! May my limbs, speech, Prana, eye, ear, strength and all my senses grow vigorous. All (everything) is the Brahman of the Upanishads. May I never deny Brahman. May Brahman never spurn me. May there be no denial of Brahman. May there be no spurning by the Brahman. Let all the virtues recited by the Upanishads repose in me, delighting in the Atman! May they in me repose!

Om Peace! Peace!! Peace!!!

The Indwelling Power

1. Who is the director of the mind? Who impels the mind to alight on its object? Brahman.

2. At whose command does the Prana proceed to function? The command of Brahman or the Absolute.

3. At whose command do men utter speech? The command of Brahman.

4. What intelligence directs the eyes and the ears towards their respective objects? The Intelligence of Brahman.

5. Behind the Prana and the senses there is Brahman or the supreme Self. He who knows this attains immortality.

6. Ignorant people identify themselves with the body, mind, Prana and senses on account of nescience or Avidya.

7. They mistake these false, perishable limiting adjuncts or vehicles for the pure immortal Atman, and so they are caught in the round of births and deaths.

8. But some wise people abandon this false identification, separate themselves from these limiting adjuncts through inquiry, discrimination, Anvaya-Vyatireka- Yukti, and practice of Neti, Neti doctrine am not this body, I am not this Prana, I am not this mind, I am not the senses,identify themselves with the all-pervading, immortal, pure Brahman and obtain knowledge of Brahman and attain immortality.

9. Rise above sense-life and live in the Atman. You will attain immortality and eternal bliss.

10. You will become immortal while living in this body, if you attain knowledge of Brahman. You need not wait till you leave this body.

11. Just as the water in a cup borrows its heat from the sun or the fire, so also the mind. Prana and senses borrow their light and power from the Atman.

12. The ear hears through the light of the Atman, the tongue speaks through the power of the Atman, the mind thinks through the power of the Atman, and the Prana performs its fun.
To be continued...



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