Essence of the Kenopanishad - 2. Swami Sivananda

======================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28/02/2020. Post-2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. The mind and the organs are inert and non-intelligent. They appear to be intelligent through the light and power of the Atman. 14. The ears, eyes, mind and Prana exist for the use of the Atman, just as a house exists for the use of its owner. The Director is Brahman or Atman. 15. Brahman shines by its own light. By its light all this universe is illumined. 16. The sun, moon, stars, fire and lightning shine by its light. 17. No one can live and breathe if there were not the self-luminous Brahman. 18. Brahman leads Prana up and Apana down. 19. One becomes immortal by renouncing all desires, Intuitive Realisati...