
Showing posts from February, 2020

Essence of the Kenopanishad - 2. Swami Sivananda

======================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28/02/2020. Post-2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. The mind and the organs are inert and non-intelligent. They appear to be intelligent through the light and power of the Atman. 14. The ears, eyes, mind and Prana exist for the use of the Atman, just as a house exists for the use of its owner. The Director is Brahman or Atman. 15. Brahman shines by its own light. By its light all this universe is illumined. 16. The sun, moon, stars, fire and lightning shine by its light. 17. No one can live and breathe if there were not the self-luminous Brahman. 18. Brahman leads Prana up and Apana down. 19. One becomes immortal by renouncing all desires, Intuitive Realisati

Essence of the Kenopanishad - 1. Swami Sivananda

======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/02/2020. Post-1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hari Om! May my limbs, speech, Prana, eye, ear, strength and all my senses grow vigorous. All (everything) is the Brahman of the Upanishads. May I never deny Brahman. May Brahman never spurn me. May there be no denial of Brahman. May there be no spurning by the Brahman. Let all the virtues recited by the Upanishads repose in me, delighting in the Atman! May they in me repose! Om Peace! Peace!! Peace!!! The Indwelling Power 1. Who is the director of the mind? Who impels the mind to alight on its object? Brahman. 2. At whose command does the Prana proceed to function? The command of Brahman or the Absolute. 3. At whose command do men utter s