Slokam:-3. N tatra caksur gacchati na vag gacchati no manah na vidmo na vijanimo yathaitad-anusisyat Anyadeva tad viditad atho aviditadadhi Iti susruma purvesam ye nastad vyacacaksire. The eye does not go there, nor speech, nor mind. We do not know how to instruct one about it It is distinct from the known and above the unknown. We have heard it, so stated the preceptors who taught us that. Eye cannot reach there.It is the very Consciousness that makes it possible for the eyes to see, it is Light or the Truth with which the eyes sees the things; and it is the seer behind the eye, just as the observer in the observatory sitting peering into the eye-piece of the telescope. The telescope by itself cannot see, but it is the man behind the telescope who sees. Similarly, it is the Atma that sees or rather the seer in us, the Real Eye that s...