
Showing posts from September, 2022

KENOPANISHAD - 1.2.7. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Tuesday, September 20, 2022. 07:00. SECTION TWO MANTRAM 4. Post -7. ======================================================================== MANTRAM 4 : Consciousness should be realised as the fundamental basis of all mental experiences. It should be realised in every state of our life in waking, dreaming and deep sleep. All thoughts are heterogeneous in their nature. They are not connected with one another. But they are experienced as belonging to one person because of the unity of the Self within. Our body, senses and mind are all made up of scattered parts that appear to be a unified whole because of the underlying indivisible essence. If only the Self were not there, our personality would be thrown away into the condition of atoms, disconnected and varied. There is no difference at all between the building bricks of one body and of another

KENOPANISHAD - 1.6. Swami Krishnananda.

 ====================================================================== ======================================================================= Sunday, September 04, 2022. 09:30. SECTION TWO MANTRAS 1 TO 3 Post -6. ======================================================================= Section-2. Mantras 1 to 3 : The realisation of Brahman does not take the form of personal experience. One cannot say or tell that one has known one’s Self well, because everything that is known becomes an object. The Self is the knower of all, and is not known by anything. To say that one has known it is to limit it, and to say that one has not known it is, again, to limit it. The knower does not know anything other than the knower, which cannot be called the knowledge of the knower. Knowledge works on a dualistic basis. But the Self is non-dual. There is no knower other than the Self. It alone appears as the one and the many, as the experiencer, and also the experienced. The question of the knower, the