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KENOPANISHAD - 1.2.11. Swami Krishnananda.

========================================================================= ========================================================================= Thursday, December 15, 2022. 09:30. SECTION -TWO :  THE PHILOSOPHY OF YAKSHOPAKHYANA : (Continued) Post-11. ======================================================================== Another instruction that this story gives us is that Brahman does exist. If it does not exist, then, something else must exist. What is that something else? It may be held that the universe or the world exists. Because the universe is a collection of individuals, it means that the individual is real. But this individual is a stress of the ego. If the ego is real, it must succeed in all its attempts. The very fact that it attempts at something constantly, shows that it is not real. Moreover, the ego is subdued every moment either through external or internal agencies. One day or the other, all the egos shall be smashed. The grief of this world is the experience of

KENOPANISHAD - 1.2.10. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================== Chinmaya Mission : Inauguration of Chinmaya Milan Manila, Phillipines 24th November 2022 was the auspicious day that all members of Chinmaya Mission Manila were waiting for all through the Pandemic for a formal inauguration of their new centre Chinmaya Milan by Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head Chinmaya Mission.  Invoking Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda and offering Paduka puja the centre was declared open for all public events and programmes of Chinmaya Mission.  The centre also welcomed a new Sevak Brni. Satrupa who studied in the 18th batch Vedanta Course and will be serving the communities of Chinmaya Mission Manila. The centre has a multi purpose prayer hall that can accomodate 200 people with the altars of Shri Rama and Hanuman and Gurudev, 5 classrooms for Bala Vihar, CHYK and Study Classes, a bookstore and 2 resident teachers living quarters. ==============================================================

KENOPANISHAD - 1.2.9. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Tuesday, November 08, 2022. 06:30. SECTION -TWO : MANTRAM-5. Post-9. ========================================================================= Mantram-5. This Self is to be known in this very life. If it is known here, there is meaning for this life. If one does not know it here, great is the loss to such a one. It is possible to realise the Self in this very life itself. It is not necessary to take several future births for this purpose, if only one is able to make the best use of one’s life. It is not the length of time for which sadhana is practised, but the nature of the intensity with which sadhana is practised, that is to be taken into account. It is not the quantity but the quality of sadhana that matters. A spark of fire can burn even a mountain of straw. The assiduity with which sadhana is carried on is the sole factor that determin

KENOPANISHAD - 1.2.8. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ====================================================================== Thursday, October 06, 2022. 05:30. SECTION -TWO : MANTRAM - 4. Post -8. ======================================================================== Mantram - 4 :  continued.... There is another theory which holds that the Self knows itself by itself, by becoming the subject as well as the object. This theory makes the Self perishable, because it divides the Self into two parts. The Self can never became an object of itself. If it does, it has to die. One thing cannot become another thing unless it dies to that one thing. The Self does not require another consciousness to know itself. Therefore it cannot be said that the Self becomes an object to know itself. The theory of the Buddhists that the Self is perishable is wrong. According to the Buddhists, the Self is a constantly changing process, and not an existent being. A process is never what it i

KENOPANISHAD - 1.2.7. Swami Krishnananda.

 ======================================================================= ======================================================================= Tuesday, September 20, 2022. 07:00. SECTION TWO MANTRAM 4. Post -7. ======================================================================== MANTRAM 4 : Consciousness should be realised as the fundamental basis of all mental experiences. It should be realised in every state of our life in waking, dreaming and deep sleep. All thoughts are heterogeneous in their nature. They are not connected with one another. But they are experienced as belonging to one person because of the unity of the Self within. Our body, senses and mind are all made up of scattered parts that appear to be a unified whole because of the underlying indivisible essence. If only the Self were not there, our personality would be thrown away into the condition of atoms, disconnected and varied. There is no difference at all between the building bricks of one body and of another

KENOPANISHAD - 1.6. Swami Krishnananda.

 ====================================================================== ======================================================================= Sunday, September 04, 2022. 09:30. SECTION TWO MANTRAS 1 TO 3 Post -6. ======================================================================= Section-2. Mantras 1 to 3 : The realisation of Brahman does not take the form of personal experience. One cannot say or tell that one has known one’s Self well, because everything that is known becomes an object. The Self is the knower of all, and is not known by anything. To say that one has known it is to limit it, and to say that one has not known it is, again, to limit it. The knower does not know anything other than the knower, which cannot be called the knowledge of the knower. Knowledge works on a dualistic basis. But the Self is non-dual. There is no knower other than the Self. It alone appears as the one and the many, as the experiencer, and also the experienced. The question of the knower, the

KENOPANISHAD - 1.5. Swami Krishnananda.

 ========================================================================= ========================================================================= Monday, August 15, 2022. 06:50. SECTION 1 : MANTRAS - 4 TO 8 Post -5. ======================================================================= MANTRAS 4 TO 8 : Brahman should be known to be other than what can be expressed by speech, thought of by the mind, seen by the eyes, heard by the ears, or revealed by life's functions. The nature of Truth can be known through denials alone. We cannot call Brahman sat, because it is the opposite of asat. It cannot be called asat, because it is the opposite of sat. It cannot be called sadasat, i.e., a combination of sat and asat, because this becomes self-contradictory. It cannot be said to be beyond sat and asat, because this is unintelligible.  Thus we are cornered in every way, and all definitions of Brahman become impossible. The only way of ascertaining it is, therefore, to deny everything tha