KENOPANISHAD : Section-1, Mantram-2 Post : 5 - Swami Krishnananda

---------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, August 25, 2020. 8:03. AM. SECTION -1 Mantram -2 Post-5. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mantra 2 : "Srotrasya Srotram manaso mano yad vaco ha vacam sa u pranasya pranah cakshusas-cakshur-atimucyadhirah pretya-smallokad-amarta-bhavanti." ------------------------------------------------------------- Translation : Srotrasya = of the ear; srotram = the ear; manasah = of the mind; manah = the mind; yad vacah = of the speech; ha vacam = this is the speech; sa u = the very same He is; pranasya = of the "life"; pranah = the 'life'; cakshusah = of the eye; cakshuh = the very eye; atimucya = having abandened ( having transcended ); dhirah = the bravely wise; pretya = having gone away; asmanu lokad = from this world ( of senses ); amruta = Immortal; bhavanti = become. ---------------------------------------------------...